SR2912606054 – EOI – Telecommunications Rack Power Supply

SR2912606054 - EOI - Telecommunications Rack Power Supply
Western Power
Goldfields-Esperance Region
Goldfields-Esperance Region
  • EOI

Western Power is seeking registrations of interest from suitably qualified and experienced organisations that are able to:

Develop a Rack Power Supply System for its telecommunication sites with different supply input / output scenarios to cater the nature of the site;
Demonstrate the range of products and technology available to implement a Rack Power Supply requirement to cater different scenarios; and
Deliver a Rack Power Supply that provides a high availability of supply to the telecommunications site equipment with less distortions and harmonics.
understand the technology and products available to implement its power supply requirement to cater different scenarios

Telecommunication Rack Power Supply systems can be categorised into three main types.

Rack Power Supply for substations;
Rack Power Supply for Standalone Telecommunications site with WP distribution supply; and
Rack Power Supply for Standalone Telecommunications site without WP distribution supply.


Suppliers are required to respond to the following for the ROI submission:

Demonstrate track record and capability in delivering the high-level Scope requirements stated above;
Reference from at least three customers who have been offered similar services; and
Safety, Health & Environment information to be requested as part of this exercise.

Please ensure the following details are included in your registration:

Advertised event number(s): Please specify which advertised number(s) you are responding to: SR2912606054 – Telecommunications Rack Power Supply
Commodity Code: 4319 -Goods-Communication Devices and Accessories

Electricity, Water & Gas Supply
08 9326 7119