
Personal Assistant - KBCCI
Personal Assistant to CEO - KBCCI

Sponsorship Opportunity Available! Explore the Goldfields Community Expo

The Explore the Goldfields Community Expo is a celebration of all things local, with community, not for profit and sporting groups promoting the many opportunities and the vibrant lifestyle that Kalgoorlie-Boulder has to offer.

If your company is interested in supporting this spectacular community event, please call KBCCI on 9021 2466 or email

Head of Marketing and Communications - Localised

Welcome to your Noticeboard

This is where you can share the good news about your business.

Tell us about:

  • An award you won
  • A new staff appointment
  • An upcoming event
  • A new client
  • Or anything else positive your business is doing.

Just make sure it is local and about business and you’ll see it here!