Hannan Street Footpath Upgrades to start on 9 August 2021

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is set to upgrade the footpaths on Hannan Street between Maritana and Wilson Street with works commencing on 9 August 2021.  Hannan Street is the location of a considerable number of historic buildings and places. It has become a destination for visitors and its place in Western Australia’s history is well-known.

The project will improve the general condition of the footpaths with modern exposed aggregate providing a more attractive and fresh look for the CBD.  The overall Hannan Street works will include upgrading landscaping elements at the intersections of Maritana and Hannan and Wilson and Hannan Streets, and installing new street furniture along the main street.

As part of the City’s commitment to recycling and reuse – it is anticipated that over 2,500 square metres of pavers from the project will be salvaged to be reapplied as materials on future footpath programs. The City will also will also be installing new rubbish bins and, a first for the CBD, introducing recycling bins.

City Officers have engaged with all the businesses in the project area and have advised them of the construction schedule and possible impacts on their trade. Feedback has been extremely positive with many businesses confirming that they are excited about the makeover and City Officers will continue to work them to ensure minimal disruption to their everyday trading.

The project is expected to be completed in late November 2021.

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